[joomla] xhtml and mosLoadModules

Mark Simko masimko at
Thu Nov 15 09:26:10 EST 2007

> Sounds like an excellent idea.  I'll setup a section of the Joomla NYC 
> site to track this information if people are willing to take the time to 
> contribute.

I see three qualities to judge for starters. There may be others.

1. Does the index.html file use a table or div tags for page layout
2. Does the index.html file call mosLoadModules using type options 0 or
1, or use 2, 3.
3. Is the index.html file arranged for source order content? Should we
assume that the component should load first for good source ordered


I can visualize the website area as a checklist table. I'm currently
looking at bringing over the same type of thing for another organization
as I move it over to Joomla.

I know that there are a few in the user group that are not familiar with
coding. It might be worthwhile to present this in steps to the group as
a project. Perhaps stretch it out in half hour pieces over 2 or 3

Then, seasoned coders can be bored and nod off. Non-programmers can have
their eyes glaze over and nod off too. Everyone can get a nice nap.


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