[joomla] Security Image and Contact Bug SOLVED

Michael Borchers list at
Wed Nov 28 03:28:40 EST 2007

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Michael Borchers 
  To: NYPHP SIG: Joomla 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 9:16 AM
  Subject: Re: [joomla] Security Image and Contact Bug

    I had this problem with an older and the current version of Security Image (SecurityImage 4.2.1).
    My Joomla version is 1.0.8 Stable.

    The component works fine for akoBook, but it does not work for the Joomla-Parch "Contact".

    The Frontend says that the image-code was not entered correctely, though it was several times when testing.

    I also had problem deactivating the component only for the contact-patch.

    Unfortunately I had to turn it off globaly.

    I will try the newest Joomla version.

    Anybody having the same problem? 

  I tried version 1.0.12 now with the current SI version 4.2.1 and the patches for 1.0.12,
  still "The code was not entered correctely" in any captcha!

Sorry, my fault. The patch version was for an older SI component. Works fine now!
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