[joomla] November Pre-Announcment

bz-gmort at bz-gmort at
Tue Oct 16 16:55:32 EDT 2007

Here is a pre-announcment.  I still need to make some changes(add the 
address, put some mapquest/hopstop links, flesh out the agenda, etc)

Our next meeting will be November 8th, the second Thursday in November.
Meeting location is Robert Half Technology, right next to Grand Central
Meeting time will be 6:00 to 8:15.

All JUG meetings are free and open to the public.  RSVP's are required 
for security purposes, and you will need to have a photo id with your 
name on it in order to get into the building.

The first half hour will be set aside to talk about what Joomla is,
what it can be used for, demonstrations of a Joomla site, and a question 
and answer session for anyone struggling with Joomla.

NYC JUG Demo site(s) - we will be providing one or more sandbox joomla
setups where people who attend the meetings can log on to a demo site
and try our various aspects of Joomla, template design, component
installations, etc.


Donna Marie Vincent will be discussing extentions
she has used on actual sites, installation,
configuration and what solutions they provided her.

Laura Gordon will be talking about Joomla sites
and solutions.

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