[joomla] JUG library

leam leam at
Wed Oct 17 17:24:49 EDT 2007

I just mentioned Joomla in an Amazon/OReilly review I did for "Learning
PHP and MySQL", should bring millions of developers in!  :)


On Wed, 2007-10-17 at 08:07 -0400, bz-gmort at wrote:
> Would anyone be interested in a NYC JUG library?
> The condition of usage would be to review the book, so I can bring books 
> from the JUG library(if their hardcopy) to the meetings for people to 
> pick up who are interested in reviewing the book, you can take them home 
> with you and review the book, and when your done either bring it to the 
> next meeting to drop off, mail it back to me, or mail it to the next 
> person on the list who wants it.
> To start with, I have a few Joomla books from Packt Publishing that I'm 
> done with and can donate, and if there is interest I can get review 
> copies of books from both the Packt and O'Reilly UG support networks.

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