[joomla] IE7 and Joomla intranet site

Scott Klassen klas9574 at
Tue Oct 30 13:26:26 EDT 2007

This one may be impossible, but I figure that maybe someone here might know.
I use Joomla for a company intranet site.  We are now rolling IE7 out to
users and have hit a minor usability issue that is bothering many of the
staff.  The site is in the Intranet security zone.  IE7 requires that sites
from different zones be opened in different windows, as opposed to tabs.
What winds up happening is that with clicking on links to various
sites/pages both external and intranet, the users wind up with several IE7
windows open, which somewhat defeats the purpose of having a tabbed
interface.  Through some research, I've found that there most likely isn't a
way to turn off this behavior for IE7, but there is a possible workaround.
It's called Mark of The Web
(  Can this
additional header line be set in a Joomla site?  Would be best if I could
set it in one or a few places as opposed to on every page of the site.


Scott Klassen

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