[joomla] Joomla on a standalone cd

D. Salemink Klikstudio debbie.salemink at
Fri Sep 14 10:29:30 EDT 2007

Here's a link that might help you create a linux based cd that runs on

On 9/14/07, Edward J. Weinberg <nylug at> wrote:
>  On Fri, 2007-09-14 at 09:36 -0400, Norman ONeil wrote:
> Thank you Soooooo much. That solves my problem.
> Typically the reason to run a server off a CD (live cd) is for security
> reasons.  Basically since it is a "read only" media it is harder to
> compromise than a system with the OS on a hard drive.  Putting it on a USB
> drive would compromise that advantage.  If the site is broken into there is
> a limit to what can be changed.  If you put it on a writable media, more can
> be changed.
> The only other reason I could see for running off a live cd is for demo
> purposes.   You do still need to think about security.  Just because you can
> produce a working XP live cd does not mean that it is secure.
> There are some issues with using Joomla this way.  As the last poster
> pointed out, you would need space for your database to store information.
> On Content Management Systems like Jumla all the content is stored by
> default in the database.  That means that if your site is compromised, the
> site can still be defaced.  It means that you can easily restore the system
> by wiping out the database, but you would loose all your content.  You would
> still have your skin and your basic site, but it would be like restoring
> your site to it's initial condition.  You would loose any content added
> after the CD was burned.
> If your reason of a "live cd" is security, and it is going to run only or
> mainly a Joomla website, why not use a Linux live CD?  There is more
> expertise available to make a secure site that runs Linux from a CD.  Joomla
> is the same and once the site was running you would need little or no Linux
> specific knowledge to run it.
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D. Salemink
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