[joomla] quick-n-dirty site setup

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Wed Oct 8 18:59:22 EDT 2008

Hello usual suspects,

I have a colleague here in NYC that is looking for someone to setup a
5-page site in Joomla for a company, this week. He's expecting a stock
J!1.5.7, a template from somewhere (I pointed him at Zappa from
JoomlaJunkie), and some basic setup (menu links, base articles).

I'm slammed at work and have no time to help him, and thought I'd
reach out to the group to see if anyone has an hour or two to spare.
Yes, this is a paying gig, but it is so small don't expect to retire
on it ;-)

-- Mitch, thinking this is too small to cross-post to nyphp-jobs

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