[joomla] ANNOUNCE: October Meeting Rescheduled

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Mon Oct 13 13:29:57 EDT 2008

To be blunt, we need to plan more than a couple days in advance. That
is really killing us as a group, as it is not possible to promote the
meetings, let alone know for sure when they are happening.

Now that we have a shiny new website (thanks to everyone involved),
I'd like to propose lining up talks for the rest of 2008 (there are
only a couple left, should not be too hard). With that out of the way,
we can actually promote the events, and start lining up talks for

One thing I always liked about NYPHP is that they seemed to be a
couple months ahead of the curve, and we should emulate that approach
as it has proven effective.

I also wonder if there would be any real interest in an
install/demo-fest from time to time, targeted at folks that have never
used Joomla but want to get it running, and see it in action. Anyone
have an opinion if that would be useful?

As for the last-second reschedule this month, to be honest I thought
it was discussed on the list. My apologies to everyone. To me it was
clear that holidays trump user group meetings, and was not aware that
the UniGroup meet was the following Thursday.

We definitely need to get November and December planned and on the
calendar so stuff like this no longer happens.

-- Mitch

On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 2:36 PM, forest mars <compustretch at> wrote:
> I also wanted to say that I was surprised to see that the Joomla meeting was
> rescheduled without any discussion on this list...?
> I don't know of any other regularly meeting groups that reschedule in that
> manner without first making sure it's not a conflict.
> NYC JUG is a pretty small group, at least our meat space meetings are where
> we have basically the same 6-8 each month. There is at least one other
> UniGroup member among us, thus scheduling a meeting for this Thursday is a
> conflict for at least 25% of our members, just from one other event alone.
> Also, as of the day before the regularly scheduled meeting there was no word
> at all on the list about whether it was happening at all, and the
> announcement of a rescheduling only went out at 3:30PM on the day of the
> regularly scheduled meeting.
> I do like the new JoomlaNYC website, it has a basic 2.0 look to it (big
> relief from the broken template) so props in order, Also having the last
> meeting recap on the side bar is great, kudos on that too. Perhaps we can
> take Robert Half off the sponsors list at the bottom of the front page.
> So to sum, moving the meeting without talking about it first really sucks,
> but the new website is kinda cool !
> regards,
> ƒorest mars
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