[joomla] Speaking of GPL

Gary Mort garyamort at
Sun Feb 28 19:24:41 EST 2010

Does anyone else find it......incomprehensible how the Joomla Core team
interprets this?

When you receive a full copy of Joomla, within that file are image files for
the Joomla logo as well as many multiple references to Joomla!.

The GPL license insists that it applies to every item in that zipfile.  Not
just code.

Therefore technically, Open Source Matters is blatantly violating the GPL by
including trademarked images and names in a zipfile with GPL items.

Every now and then when I feel snarky, I feel like doing something with the
Joomla Logo and challenging them to finally come clean and settle the issue
in a court of law....instead of using their "we're GPL but we're not GPL"
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