[joomla] IMIS authentication with Joomla

Gary Mort garyamort at
Thu Jan 21 21:23:04 EST 2010

Define affordable....

I see here that they have a PHP toolkit, so it
should be childsl play to create an authentication plugin based on the
gmail/openid/whatnot plug ins so that Joomla users would use their IMIS
passwords to log on.

However, at the same time it seems to be wrapped up in some specific project
so getting it might be difficult.

However, there is what looks to be an open source Drupal module, for doing that - so it would be possible
to lift the code from one to place it in the other.

Basically, I see more time spent going through the drupal module code and
setting up FTP and testing environments, than the time that would be spent
actually coding the plugin for Joomla..

That could be...1 could be 3 all depends on how
organized you are with all the data at your fingertips and just needing a
nudge, to having to ask 50 questions to get ftp, test account, etc before
finally writing the 3-4 lines of code needed.
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