[joomla] joomla Digest, Vol 43, Issue 17

Fred Sullivan fred at
Fri Jul 30 12:17:04 EDT 2010

2. Joomla vs Drupal, a coders perspective (Gary Mort)

Amazing post, Thank You! I went to one day of the Drupal Camp NYC 2010 to
learn and observe. In the days before the camp installed local version and
created a test site. It had been a while since I had done that with Drupal.
>From an integrators perspective it is mature and elegant in it's coding,
documentation and user community a much higher percentage of the attendees
where actual coders/developers than at a equivalent Joomla event. But
compared to Joomla as far as getting up a basic site to do many things it
was much more time consuming and involved and takes a much higher technical
proficiency. It is reflected in the book shelf at say Barnes and Noble
almost all Drupal books are for developers, almost all Joomla books are end
designer and users manuals.

Joomla's object oriented approach is much more advanced and abstract and
has  been much more and it has been set up to be more designer and user
friendly thus there are more users less community. Drupal much more on basic
level programmer friendly for a beginning to average programmer. Joomla as
percentage has in number fewer coders and developers that participate in the
community but the ones that do are very advanced. The Joomla community needs
to work much harder at Joomla developer training of beginning and mid level
programmers to flourish. Drupal needs to work much harder at getting a
friendlier interface for designers and users probably by including more in
their core to grow their end user community.

Fred Sullivan
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