[joomla] Gawd! I hate Drupal!!!

Gary Mort garyamort at
Fri Jun 25 12:21:52 EDT 2010

On 6/25/2010 12:11 PM, Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> To be honest you shouldn't be sending any email from webservers anyway
> - but that means you can either setup to remote relay with plain SMTP
> or hook into an ESP vendor's API directly (which is what I do).

Joomla allows for remote relays on SMTP when using the Joomla mail function.

ESP hooks are always a you use it for ALL your system 
notices and everything, or do you use it only for updates?

Of course, on the subject of email, you should really have 3 systems for 

notice/info/system/ - either an SMTP relay or an 
ESP for system notices[new forum posts, password changes, etc].

updates/info/ - for your bulk mailings and FTAF stuff.

staff/suppport/ for your personal communications

This way when[not if] some mail system blocks one of your systems 
because a few lazy people choose to use "report as spam" to stop getting 
forum updates - when someone else complains that they can't get their 
password reset request the PERSONAL email you send to them is not blocked.

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