[joomla] newbie looking for hosting

ozzie sutcliffe oz.sutcliffe at
Sun Mar 14 17:06:29 EDT 2010

Well you need more than php.
You need tech support ,reliability and availability.
Then some kind soul at the isp decides to upgrade to PHP 5 , whatever
and breaks stuff at no extra change.
Or they wont install a package you need ..
and so one..
I believe Kam is talking about a shared "web site" not a shared virtual server.
I have a virtual server which gives me my own instance of Centos .
I can use their CPanel or roll my own which I do ..
I use which has the best tech support ever.
Real humans that speak english and can add an extra IP address or do
DNS whatever in a few minutes.
Generally if you hose Linux a tad or ten they will fix it or send you
in the right direction too at no charge.

my 2 cents


On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 4:36 PM, Ajai Khattri <ajai at> wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Mar 2010, Kam Cheng wrote:
>> I'm not sure if this server is the best for joomla.
> Because?
>> Wondering if you all give tell me what hosting company you recommend for
>> your clients.
>> I'd rather not dealing with the hosting on my end.  I would rather be
>> able to guide my client to the right hosting company.
>> What do I need to look for in a host that will best support joomla and
>> cms in general?
> You just need PHP.
> --
> Aj.
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