[joomla] Presentation Update for Joomla Day NYC 2010

Stephen Britton sbritton at
Fri Nov 5 17:39:19 EDT 2010

We just received two speaker confirmations for Joomla Day Weekend Dec. 4 & 5

Rafael Diaz-Tushman, president/CEO of will present
"Tienda for Beginners" and "Advanced Tienda" on Saturday.

Gary Mort with present:

On Saturday - "Modifying Joomla Extensions or How to Tweak Extensions
So You Don't Have To Hire A Programmer"
Have you ever installed an plugin and it did 90% of what you wanted it
to do, but you had to spend hours trying to get the other 10%? Joomla
Programmer Gary Mort will show you how to make minor changes to Joomla
extensions so they will work for you.  We will be using Komodo
Edit[the free open source programmers editor,] and Navicat Lite for MySQL
[] in
this session - though you are free to use your own favorite editor and
mysql tools.

On Sunday - "Take Advantage of Joomla's Extension and Plug-In API"

Don't reinvent the wheel when you develop a custom Joomla component,
use the functions that are already built into Joomla's native
framework. Gary Mort will show you how.
We will be using the Netbeans IDE[the free open source programmers
IDE,] and Navicat Lite for MySQL
[] in
this session - though you are free to use your own favorite editor and

I will be posting more Joomla Day NYC information in the coming days.
Please sign up for Joomla Day NYC 2010 Weekend Dec. 4 & 5

Note that special Early Bird pricing ends on Nov. 15. Please sign up today!

All the best,


Stephen Britton
Technology Consultant
sbritton at
ph: 914-661-0040

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