[joomla] REGEX Help
Douglas Machado -Focalizar.com.br
douglas at focalizar.com.br
Sat Oct 16 14:53:27 EDT 2010
Does anyone have any experience with Regular Expressions?
I usually use very simple Regular Expressions for my work, however I've been
trying to create a plugin for my church's website that will link all bible
references to the bible extension that I have installed.
I've managed to match the bible references correctly, however it is also
matching non bible references too, because it is not matching whole words
only. For example, it matches *blahluke 1*.
I've tried to use the Word boundary *\b* and a Negative lookbehind for chars
*(?<![a-zA-Z])*, but they do not seem to work.
Where *$booksRegex* is a PHP variable containing all bible books and
possible abbreviations in Portuguese:
gênesis|exodo|levítico|números|deuteronômio|josué|juizes|rute|1 samuel|2
samuel|1 reis|2 reis|1 crônicas|2
de salomão|canticos dos canticos|isaías|jeremias|lamentações de
dos apóstolos|romanos|1 coríntios|2
coríntios|gálatas|efésios|filipenses|colossenses|1 tessalonicenses|2
tessalonicenses|I timóteo|II timóteo|tito|filemom|hebreus|tiago|1 pedro|2
pedro|1 joão|2 joão|3
samuel|II samuel|I reis|II reis|I cronicas|II cronicas|I samuel|II samuel|I
reis|II reis|I cronicas|II
cronicas|esdras|neemias|ester|job|salmos|proverbios|eclesiastes|cantares de
salomao|isaias|jeremias|lamentacões de
dos apostolos|romanos|1 corintios|2 corintios|I corintios|II
tessalonicenses|1tessalonicenses|2 tessalonicenses|2tessalonicenses|I
tessalonicenses|Itessalonicenses|II tessalonicenses|IItessalonicenses|1
timoteo|1timoteo|2 timoteo|2timoteo|Itimoteo|Itimoteo|II
timoteo|IItimoteo|tito|filemom|hebreus|tiago|1 pedro|1pedro|2 pedro|2pedro|1
joao|1joao|2 joao|2joao|3 joao|3joao|I pedro|II pedro|I joao|II joao|III
Thanks in advanced.
Best regards,
Douglas Machado
"*... For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future...*"
The only God - Jeremiah 29:11
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