[joomla] Team Development

Tom Flis webhomebase at
Thu Sep 2 10:32:50 EDT 2010

  On 9/2/2010 10:16 AM, Paul Bouzakis wrote:
>  On 9/2/2010 10:10 AM, Mitch Pirtle wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 9:14 AM, Paul Bouzakis<nyphp at>  
>> wrote:
>>>   What are some best practices building a Joomla site with a team.
>> 1) Use scm - git, subversion, something, ANYTHING! hehe
> Using SVN at the moment, so we are good here.   What exactly are you 
> putting in the svn?  Do you put the whole project in there?  Or just 
> the theme and any custom extensions you are developing?  What about 
> 3rd party extensions?  Does everyone working on the project have to 
> install the extensions themselves?
>> 2) JoomlaPack - that provides a GUI to export/import, maybe that is
>> what should be going into your scm so everyone is looking at the same
>> data?
> Sounds great.  Will start using that right away.
>> I always setup several servers, dev, test, and www (production).
>> That's been the easiest way for me to make sure everyone on the team
>> is looking at the same thing, and also ensures that testing and
>> debugging can be done on the exact same environment as production
>> (further limiting unwanted surprises).
> What is your setup here?  Everyone has their own local environment and 
> installation?  How do you manage extension installs?
>> -- Mitch, feeling a lengthy blog post coming on
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> New York PHP SIG: Joomla! Mailing List
> NYPHPCon 2006 Presentations Online
> Show Your Participation in New York PHP
Hi Folks:

I'm faced with a similar situation, but instead of starting with a 
Joomla site I have the task of taking an existing commercial CMS-based 
site and migrating it to Joomla. I want to be able to use a team 
approach to systematically develop and move selected parts of the site 
to a shared development environment (probably on a different web host). 
That is, one site used by the Team instead of multiple localhost 
installs. How would one setup the 3 multiple servers in this case? Any 
suggestions / tips would be welcome. Don't know if this will trigger a 
lengthy blog post from Mitch.

Best regards,


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