[joomla] Plan to attend NYC monthly JUG meeting on Aug. 11th

Stephen Britton sbritton at
Sun Jul 31 21:06:16 EDT 2011

Hope everyone is swamped with work and having a great summer too!

The next monthly NYC Joomla User Group Meeting is scheduled for 6:30
PM on Thursday, August 11th at Lincoln Center. (146th West 57th
Street. For additional location details visit

The August meeting is a special one, with Scott Wolpow showing how to
use Wireframes and Mockflow to layout and design large sites.

I will present Construct and LessJoomla, two excellent Joomla
templates that allow folks to view your website using any device from
iPhones to iPads to 55 inch TV screens, without any plug-ins and

(Note that we might have room for one more speaker. If you want to
present, please contact me off-list.)

We also have some great swag to give away. I have copies of Barry
North's latest, Joomla 1.6: A User's Guide, 3rd edition and Stephen
Burge's new Joomla! <explained>.

And while we are talking about Stephen Bruge, I need to add that his
company, (Also known as has
sponsored our monthly meetings for the past two years. If you or
someone you know, needs Joomla training, please check out I highly recommend . For as
little as $47 you get two-months of access to 100+ videos and

I took the online Joomla video course last summer and it has helped me
a great deal. I learned more from Steve's online video course that I
had from the numerous books that I purchased.

In addition to online courses, provides excellent
one-day classroom training, by Laura Gordon, member of Joomla NYC.
Please see the website for the class schedule.

Also don't forget Joomla Day Weekend NYC 2011 on Oct. 22 and 23. For
registration and sponsorship information, visit

I look forward to seeing everyone later this month.

All best,


Stephen Britton
Technology Consultant
sbritton at
ph: 914-661-0040

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