[joomla] Joomla NYC upcoming meetings - request for chairs

Stephen Britton sbritton at
Thu Jun 2 17:34:15 EDT 2011

Hi Gang,

Hope everyone had a chance to enjoy the nice day.

The next Joomla meeting is scheduled a week from today at  6:30PM  Thursday
June 9th. It is being chaired by Fred Sullivan.

Also note that we are no longer meeting at Rose Hall, but across the street
(at 146 W. 65th Street) from Rose Hall. Better directions will
be posted later.

We are not looking for chairs to sit on, rather, we need folks to chair for
the next three meetings: July 14, August 11, September 8.

As most of you know, chairing a meeting is very easy. You need to find
Joomla presenters. You can present and/or you can find other presenters.
Topics can range from Joomla templates, module and component reviews,
how-to's, developer tips, site demonstrations, etc. I have found that it is
best to have three people to present, but one presenter with a great topic
can do a great job too.

The meetings run from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM and come hungry because our friends
at (also known as have been gracious
sponsors by providing us with a budget for snacks and food.

If you are interested in chairing a meeting, please contact me or post to
this list.

All the best,


Stephen Britton
Technology Consultant
sbritton at
ph: 914-661-0040
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