[joomla] can't hide article title

Sasa Rakic - Gmail rakics at
Sun Apr 22 10:04:05 EDT 2012

Hi Ellen,


I would like to help you with this issue, path: 




Does not means that there is no ID in Url, based on path Joomla Url
rewriting is converting it to ID and fetching article.


If you are able to send me ftp access to site, I could look to add to
sources ID from Url and hide title.


Best regards,



From: joomla-bounces at [mailto:joomla-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Ellen Rothwax
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 2:51 AM
To: joomla at
Subject: [joomla] can't hide article title


Sorry, I can't figure out how to reply to a thread of posts, but I just
wanted to update everyone on my findings regarding not being able to hide
the title. Thanks to Linda who got me thinking that it might not be me, but
a bug in the template.
So, the good news is I am not losing it. It is a bug in the Yootheme
template I am using (Flux), and there is a posting on their forum that
explains how to fix it.
The bad news is it fixed it for all except one
and-donts and I can't, for the life of me, figure out why it not only shows
the title (Children Safety: Living in an Apartment) when i am hiding it, but
it also shows the 'system title' (Apartment Living in NYC - Do's and Don'ts)
which is different and I don't even know where it is coming from. At one
time I had an unused menu item by that name pointing to the article, but I
deleted it and the whole menu it was on. (I even looked at the database and
can't see anything off). It turns out also, that this is the only article in
this category (Blog) that doesn't have the category and id#  in the address

I don't know if these are bugs in my template, Joomla2.5, a glitch in the
migration or if I am overlooking something.
Any ideas?



Ellen Rothwax
Web Design and Development
Don't say you can't afford a website. . .you can't afford not to have one.
(P) 203 572-5756 <tel:203%20572-5756> 

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