[joomla] upcoming Joomla NYC meeting on May 10th

Stephen Britton sbritton at
Fri Apr 27 12:22:10 EDT 2012

Hi Gang,

I have recovered from my teeth problems and now have a $1,850 crown in my
mouth. And yesterday, I finally updated the site.

The upcoming May 10th meeting features:

Microsoft Developer Evangelist Peter Laudati showing how Joomla can be used
with Microsoft products. (I am guessing that he will show how you can now
use Joomla with MS SQL server.)

Our own Scott Wolpow will demonstrate RedSHOP, a Joomla component that he
says works well and even better than VirtueMart. We'll see.

Meeting to be hosted/chaired by our fearless Joomla NYC President, Marian

And as usual, rounding out the meeting will be the Lightning Round, so
bring your questions and problems and let's get them fixed!

As always meeting starts at 6:30 PM. Thanks to Sebastian, we now have
improved directions to the Lincoln Center conference room on the website.

Bonus tip of the month: A great way to add simple PayPal buy-now buttons -
including re-occuring subscriptions - to any Joomla website is with Nice
PayPal Button, a $15 plugin from Trinitronic

Just add a little snippet of code in your article, and you have a very
simple PayPal store.

All best,


Stephen Britton
Technology Consultant
sbritton at
Twitter: @StephenBritton
ph: 914-661-0040

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." -
George Bernard Shaw
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