[joomla] Multiple menus?

Helvécio da Silva helvecio.rj at
Fri Jun 1 17:11:16 EDT 2012

Hi Janet!

First of all: which Joomla version are you using?

There's no problem using more than one menu in the same position. As well
as there's no problem assigning these menu modules to certain pages.

Using module sufixes you can style them differently, which can be a plus
when it comes to designing an user interface.

Look at this example: you have a site with four menu itens: home, products,
services, contact.

Products has two sub-menu itens: Product A, Product B.

Services has three sub-menu itens: Service 1, Service 2, Service 3.

You decide to create separate menus for products and services containing
these sub-itens: menu-products and menu-services. From the menus you create
the modules with a similar name mod-menu-products and mod-menu-services.

Now you assign these modules only to the menu itens related. That means,
mod-menu-products will only be visible when your visitor enter the products
area of your site and visits either page of Product A or Product B. Same
for mod-menu-services.

If you have further questions, just ask.

2012/5/31 Janet Sullivan <jmsullivan50 at>

> Hmmm.....not sure I understand what you are telling me....can you
> elaborate, or use an example?
> I can send you the link to the site that I am building if that would
> help....
> I tried using different module positions for the various menus, but had
> difficulty  getting all the menus to show
> in the the right  place on the page...that's when I opted to put the menu
> all in the same module position.  The menus
> all have different font, icons, etc. but I thought I could do that with
> the menu suffix class.....
> Thanks for taking the time to advise...
> Janet Sullivan
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* Kirill Poliakov <Kirill at>
> *To:* NYPHP SIG: Joomla <joomla at>
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 31, 2012 5:29 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [joomla] Multiple menus?
>  Janet,
> I have done that but used different menu modules - this way you can
> control position, font, color.   This way you can have Help, Contact on the
> right in small font and the main menu on the left  in bigger font.
> It is a tricky configuration.
> Kirill
> From: Janet Sullivan <jmsullivan50 at>
> To: NYPHP Joomla <joomla at>,
> Date: 05/31/2012 04:47 PM
> Subject: [joomla] Multiple menus?
> Sent by: joomla-bounces at
> ------------------------------
> Is adding multiple menus to a single module position an "ok" thing to do?
> Or will I cause myself grief as I build out the site?
> What about adding 2 different menus to the exact same place in a module,
> each menu will show only on selected pages?
> Can that work?  Or am I setting myself up for a train wreck?
> Also, what tools do folks use for testing multiple browsers?
> Thanks in advance for the advice.
> Janet Sullivan
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Helvecio "Elvis" da Silva
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - helvecio.rj at -
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