[joomla] Global Configuration page missing tabs etc

Ellen Rothwax ellen.rothwax at
Fri Nov 2 11:58:01 EDT 2012

Came across an odd issue with a Joomla2.5 installation. When I am in the
back end and navigate to Global Configuration page, it shows up as if it
isn't calling the css for that page--no tabs etc. There is also no way to
save it even if I made some changes in the un-styled mode. All other pages
are fine, so I don't believe it is a missing css page. I tried uploading
the bluestork template and the com_config folder  via ftp to overwrite any
file that might have been corrupted, but no change.
I have cleared my cache in my browsers, cleared and purged cache in joomla.
It is a simple site with just a few basic extensions--JCE,Akeeba,RSForms.

Any idea what is causing this and how to fix it? If you need to look at the
backend, I will be happy to send the site name and login info privately.


Ellen Rothwax
Web Design and Development
*Don’t say you can’t afford a website. . .you can’t afford not to have one.
*(P) 203 572-5756*
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