[nycphp-talk] NYPHP Mailing Lists Online

matt spliffrd at
Wed Aug 28 13:49:39 EDT 2002

is there a meeting tonight at digital pulp?


On Wed, 28 Aug 2002, Hans Zaunere wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm sorry for the longer than expected delay in getting the mailing
> lists back online, however it seems that they are once again fully
> functional.  If you do notice any oddities, either with the list or on
> the website, please contact me immediately at zaunere at
> I have the rest of this week off from work, and will be trying to
> improve on an ongoing basis during this time.  While
> this probably means periods of mailing list (and even website)
> instability, I ask that everyone use the mailing list normally, and
> even excessively.  This will help in development (the more messages,
> the more debugging info gets generated) and I will try to liason any
> dropped messages.  It is also important to note that the new server
> does not have reverse DNS at this point; as a result, some mail servers
> will not accept messages, but I do expect rDNS to be functioning within
> a couple of days.
> Lastly, I'd like to thank every for bearing with us while these
> upgrades are done.  While it may seem to be more of an annoyance than
> anything else now, this new server will be a keystone in NYPHP's
> progress and development.
> Thank you,
> Hans Zaunere
> New York PHP
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