[nycphp-talk] submit my site to search engines

Mark Jia markjia at
Thu Aug 29 23:27:42 EDT 2002

thanks bruce! That is really really helpful! 
 bruce at wrote:for starters, check out:

will give you lots of background.

Also, when you go to search engines, there's often a submit link
somewhere. Often it's at the very bottom or hidden on the side. just
look through the whole page at all the links.

Also, make your site available to bots/spiders, and have good meta tags.

hope this is a good starting point.

- bruce

> Hi guys:
> How can I submit my site to search engines? I know there are some paid
> services, says "you pay $29.99, we submit your url to 1000+ search
> engines...", but I want to kown how can they do that? Is it possible
> for me to write a program in PHP to submit my site by myself? Do I need
> to sign some contracts with search engines, or do I have to get
> permission to do it? where to find search engines' search links? How the
> search engines work? sorry too much questions. Thanks
> Mark
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