[nycphp-talk] PHP 4.3RC2 Module and Apache 2.0 revisited

evan heller evan.heller at
Sun Dec 1 21:49:19 EST 2002

Sadly on windows 2000 I don't dare use apache 1.3
branch. It really does suck on windows but that's
what I'm bound to for now. I think I have figured
out the problem and tracked it down to an obscure
bug. I've spent probably 20-30 hours trying to
find this bug but it seems like if you use:

<Files *.php>
	SetOutputFilter PHP
	SetInputFilter PHP

it will cause any file uploaded over 8500 bytes to
corrupt. Weird huh? Well, I'm off to do more
testing to see if this fix by removing those lines


Analysis & Solutions wrote:
> Hey Evan:
> > Does anyone know why apache would corrupt files
> > over a few K. I am running Apache 2.0 with php as
> > a module and with virtual hosts.
> Beats me, but the PHP crew has been telling folks not to use PHP with
> Apache 2 at this point (well, at least when I last heard a few months
> ago) since it's still in major development mode.
> Use the latest Apache 1.3.x and you'll be happy.
> --Dan
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Evan Heller     
evan.heller at

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