[nycphp-talk] [JOB] PT Junior Developer, Manhattan

Sterling Hughes sterling at
Fri Dec 6 17:01:59 EST 2002

> Wow, $40/hour for the developers with commit privs?
> I think that a career in PHP is not in my future :)

that's just a very lowball offer, i make a whole lot more than that
for php consulting.

Keep in mind - it depends on your experience, plain php jobs tend to 
be on the low-side, the idea is to charge for solutions, if php happens
to help you accomplish the job, then great.  Looking to go into the 
industry as a "PHP Programmer" is frankly benign.  Look to get in the 
industry as a programmer, and if PHP is helpful in getting your job 
done, great use it.  If not, use cold fusion, perl, python, php, asp, 
c, c++, java, assembler, whatever tool is best/most suitable for the
task at hand.


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