[nycphp-talk] [JOB] PT Junior Developer, Manhattan

The Rain Maker rainman at
Fri Dec 6 18:23:19 EST 2002

> done, great use it.  If not, use cold fusion, perl, python, php, asp,
> c, c++, java, assembler, whatever tool is best/most suitable for the
> task at hand.

Amen! Well, rather than doing CF I think would rather be strung up  by 
my... ;)  But as much as I am a Unix bigot (Linux, *BSD, Solaris, AIX) 
I have a number of client that use Microsoft server products because 
they are still the best solution for their needs. (What I would give 
for an Open Source replacement for Exchange!) My biggest grip about PHP 
programmer/coders is that PHP is often the only tool they know. As such 
they tend to stuff from "If you only have a hammer, all the world is a 
nail." (I won't even go into my thoughts on php-gtk).

Raymond DeRoo
Senior Partner
(203) 952-3900

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