[nycphp-talk] [JOB] PT Junior Developer, Manhattan

max goldberg max at
Mon Dec 9 14:14:22 EST 2002

I'm 20. heh.
My frustration has come up due to dealing with a large amount of 
developers that have no idea what they are doing. For instance, in a 
content management system, there was a text area where the client could 
enter in text, to be shown over the web. Instead of converting a line 
break character to an html line break tag on insert of the text, it is 
done on every page view. This is just a miniscule piece of the code I 
have been forced to fix over the last 6 months. People who refuse to use 
CVS or anything that doesn’t have a gui. Refuse to learn how to learn 
how to use FTP. It's the small things, they add up quickly.

I think certification could be a good tool, but someone else made a very 
valid point, PHP alone isn't really a challenge, but you would need to 
quiz on SQL/HTML etc. It would be kind of like having JavaScript 
certification without mentioning the DOM, it's something else entirely.


Jon Baer wrote:
> max goldberg wrote:
>>I think to truly be qualified you need to understand many things beyond
>>syntax, which most people don't get. It seems no one even writes code
>>for high performance and low resource usage any more. Everyone needs 
>>their hand held through the most basic of exercises. I'm not sure if 
>>it's just my opinion and current situation, it just seems like a lot
> Ive noticed these comments to come from people in their mid-50, early 
> 60's who have spent more than 20 years on C/C++ and have absolutely no 
> faith in high level languages :-)  Just an observation.  
> But I think you are right, the very LAST thing people ever ask when 
> designing a web app today is what kind of resources in terms of memory 
> requirements, scalability, etc ... I think its just a case of the market 
> place that has turned from taking ur time to secure an app to come in, 
> deploy tomorrow, fix bugs later if we need you.  I don't think its a 
> case of not knowing what u are doing because today (vs. yesterday) there 
> are several ways to accomplish one thing, no matter if you are a junior 
> developer or senior architect.  There are things that look pretty and 
> things that were a late night hack to make it work, but who is to 
> decide?  I dont think much has changed, in fact I got an assignment on 
> Saturday for a PHP-based quiz for a site launching on Monday, Id like to 
> think my options were to figure out how well their php.ini was tweeked 
> or how they are setup but its something accomplished last nite for 
> peanuts.  Id like to think something like a PHP+ certificate would help 
> get more work.    
> Thanks for the link, I found it very informative, and enjoy the 
> discussion.  
> - Jon
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