[nycphp-talk] bsd apache php mysql help

Christopher Hendry chendry at
Mon Dec 30 12:35:02 EST 2002

Are you saying you can provide the access if we come up with the server?  To
be honest, I'm not too strong on the server end and am not sure what would
be involved - can you fill in the gaps?  Access / Server / Software...

-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: Chalu Kim [mailto:chalu at]
-> Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 12:20 PM
-> To: NYPHP Talk
-> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] bsd apache php mysql help
-> If you figure this out, I can provide a hosting on BSD or Linux. You can
-> bring your server and I can help you set it up.
-> ----- Original Message -----
-> From: "Christopher Hendry" <chendry at>
-> To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
-> Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 12:07 PM
-> Subject: RE: [nycphp-talk] bsd apache php mysql help
-> > I too have been toying with the idea of a dedicated server - I
-> wonder if
-> > anyone might be interested in a bit of a joint venture.  Perhaps even a
-> PHP
-> > community dedicated server???  At least then for a low cost
-> all of our PHP
-> > needs could be met.
-> >
-> > -> -----Original Message-----
-> > -> From: Ophir Prusak [mailto:ophir at]
-> > -> Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 11:14 AM
-> > -> To: NYPHP Talk
-> > -> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] bsd apache php mysql help
-> > ->
-> > ->
-> > -> Hi Shawn,
-> > ->
-> > -> 3 options.
-> > ->
-> > -> 1. Do a lot a reading / trial and error. Sounds like that's
-> what you're
-> > -> trying to get away from.
-> > -> 2. Download and install (and eventually buy) a package like ensim
-> > -> ( , plesk ( , or cpanel
-> > -> ( . These
-> > -> are packages that allow you do %99 of your web hosting sys admin
-> > -> needs via a
-> > -> web browser interface. Most of them have a trial version as well.
-> > -> 3. Find a sys admin who will do the work for you in exchange for
-> > -> access/usage of the machine.
-> > ->
-> > -> I myself have been toying with the idea of a dedicated server
-> > -> myself for a
-> > -> while.
-> > -> I'm curious as to who you picked and why.
-> > ->
-> > -> Thanx,
-> > -> Ophir
-> > ->
-> > -> ----- Original Message -----
-> > -> From: "Shawn Lawyer" <shawn at>
-> > -> To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
-> > -> Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 10:10 AM
-> > -> Subject: [nycphp-talk] bsd apache php mysql help
-> > ->
-> > ->
-> > -> > i've been a php developer for years and at several points i've
-> > -> had access
-> > -> to dedicated servers with sys admins that were friends of mine,
-> > -> now that's
-> > -> not the case since i just moved to the new york area. okay here
-> > -> it goes. i
-> > -> got tired of having to build scripts to perform tasks on site
-> > -> that could be
-> > -> handled much much better if my hosting co. would just would just
-> > -> make a few
-> > -> minor changes to php.ini. example sessions in a database and not
-> > -> a file in
-> > -> the tmp dir . to work around this i had to spend hours creating a
-> session
-> > -> script myself not even touching php sessions. so finally i
-> broke down
-> and
-> > -> got a dedicated server. now i just realized why i left this up to
-> people
-> > -> basck home. please help. i have no idea where to begin. i need
-> > -> to add users,
-> > -> create virtual hot accounts, install ming and other php
-> > -> extensions, install
-> > -> mysql, config ftp, etc...
-> > -> > i'm freaking out here, cause i'm trying to follow a book
-> i got, but
-> it
-> > -> jumps around to much to be clear. oh, php, apache, ftp,
-> > -> sendmail, it's all
-> > -> there and installed on freebsed 4.7
-> > -> > thank you,
-> > -> > shawn lawyer
-> > -> >
-> > -> >
-> > -> >
-> > -> >
-> > -> >
-> > -> >
-> > -> >
-> > ->
-> > ->
-> > ->
-> > ->
-> > ->
-> > ->
-> > ->
-> > ->
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> ---
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