[nycphp-talk] bsd apache php mysql help

Felix Zaslavskiy felix at
Tue Dec 31 00:03:30 EST 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hans Zaunere" <hans at

> Hi Shawn et al,
> --- Shawn Lawyer <shawn at> wrote:
> > my whole objective with my server was to not only have a for/non profit
> > developement enviroment but also to gain the experience needed to
> > facilitate my/others needs. what do you mean nyphp could provide space?
> Since early August (when was colocated as it's own server) we've
> offered rooted FreeBSD jails for Open Source development
> ( for instance) projects.  These are full
> virtual servers, where you can compile/configure/etc just about everything
> you need, and play around with it.

I dont know how much of , php forget about it.
a benefit a rooted jail is in comparison to a regular user account if the
purpose is simplty to privide a user account.  The way i see it someone
either wants to learn to be a unix sysadmin or a developer.  To be a
sysadmin its better to get a real root access but to be a developer the
normal user account is fine i think.

But anyway i like the idea of setting up a server just for development.  I
myself setup a machine in my college just for that purpose for students of
my school.  I figured that the Unix servers school provides to students are
pretty useless for development.  The main student server still has the gcc
version is 2.95.2 , and to get cgi once has to fill out forms with the IS
depertment, php forget about it.  But even the servers that are set up for
specialized courses where the TA or the professor with have enough sence to
put the things the student need on it the general student dont get access
unless they are in the course.

Having said all that.
Most student are in general "unix morons"  the reason being that they never
used it.  The environment of choice these days is yes you guessed it
Microsoft Visual Studios. NET


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