[nycphp-talk] PHP on Windows...

ophir prusak prutwo at
Tue Jul 16 14:48:58 EDT 2002

Your best bet is probable apache + PHP binaries for windows.
It took be about 2 hours to get Apache + PHP + MySQL setup and running
on my win2k box (including download time ;)

Ophir Prusak
Internet developer 
prutwo at | 

---- Clay Givens <cjtotheg at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to figure out a way to utilize the power of PHP on my Win
> NT
> box at work because I can't afford the time to install Linux right
> now.
> Has anyone tried to run Windows PHP binaries? If so, is it necessary
> to
> install IIS? I'd like to serve webpages over the corporate network
> via IIS
> using some PHP logic. Anyone try such a thing? Thanks for helping out!
> Clay Givens

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