[nycphp-talk] JavaScript List?

Jim Hendricks jim at
Fri Jul 19 10:43:57 EDT 2002

> You still need to do validation on the server anyway, so now you're
> maintaining two code bases.
I disagree.  If there is a validation to be done on the client, I do it
there, no form
processing will allow submit without the data having been validated.

> Then, if the user has Java'sCrap turned off or not present, are they even
> able to submit your form.  I've seen plenty of forms that won't.
Haven't had a user complain yet, and I own my own software dev company in
which we have produced a number of web apps that use javascript.

> But they all fall flat on their face when JS is off/unavailable, making
> your site unusable.
True, but if the client wants to get rid of the page redraw & associated
during validation, then you WILL do JS and let the client know that the app
will not work with JS turned off.  Once again, I refer to my above
statement, it's
never been a problem.


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