[nycphp-talk] Does anyone know how to migrate the data from MS Excel to MySqL?

Jonathan Rury ruryj at
Wed Jul 24 13:50:45 EDT 2002

I think there's a pretty simple script you can write to do this for you.
First you'll need to save your MS Excel file as a tab-delimited text file.
(Run away from that M$ garbage).
Then, simply open your text file; read in a line - use the tab as a token
separator and fill in the values.
I assume you know the number of rows in your data but you could generate
that dynamically.
While there's still data left in the text file, generate your SQL insert
statements and populate the DB.
Hope this works for you. (It works in theory! ;) )

----- Original Message -----
From: "ken wu" <ken_11223 at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 1:36 PM
Subject: [nycphp-talk] Does anyone know how to migrate the data from MS Excel
to MySqL?

> Hi, all.  I now have a bulk of data in Excel files
> needed to migrate to MySql Database.  Honestly, I
> would like to know if there is any software or script
> that can do that in any sense? Any suggestion would be
> greatly appreciated. thx
> =====
> Ken Wu
> 718-788-0661
> 168 35 Street Apt 2
> Broooklyn, NY 11232-2320
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