[nycphp-talk] Creating file for download on the fly?

Kerem Tuzemen keremtuzemen at
Fri Jul 26 10:47:24 EDT 2002

yes it is, just post the text which forms the file with a file header to the

----- Original Message -----
From: "Freedman, Tom S." <tfreedma at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 10:15 AM
Subject: [nycphp-talk] Creating file for download on the fly?

> Hi all, I've been a lurker for a couple months as I've been learning PHP,
> and many of your suggestions have been really helpful.  I was hoping
> might have an idea on how to tackle an issue I haven't been able to find
> info on.
> I'm currently working on a new version of a departmental intranet website.
> I have a database, and offer the users a search page that lets them query
> in a variety of ways.  The new results page is not laid out in a grid, as
> the old one was (we've added a lot of new fields, and the grid would be
> packed).  Some users have requested the ability to download the data for
> import into Excel (they used to just copy and paste the table in).  I've
> figured out how to create a .csv file, and I could, theoretically, create
> one every time someone runs a query, save it in a temp directory, and
> include a link to it on the webpage.  We'd have to run a cleanup routine
> every night, though, to delete all these .csv's on the server.  It seems
> really clumsy to me.  What I'd like to do is put a link on the result page
> that, when clicked on, builds the .csv right then and offers it to the
> for download.  Is this feasible, or should I just go with the temp
> full of reports?
> Thanks in advance,
> Tom

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