[nycphp-talk] POST method not passing on a cgi-version of PHP 4.1.2

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Fri Jun 21 09:16:04 EDT 2002

--- Jim Musil <jim at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've run across a client who is using a cgi-version of php and for
> some
> reason it will not allow me to submit data from a form via POST.
> Submitting
> via GET works great, POST gives nothing.
> I realize this is vague, but I'm hoping someone else has run across
> the same
> problem.

Vague is an understatement.  :)

But consider some of these settings: track_vars, variable_order, and of
course register_globals might be biting you.  Do the POST vars show up
in phpinfo() ?  or  print_r($GLOBALS);  Also take a look at the value
of 'cfg_file_path' to see the config file situation.


> Jim

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