[nycphp-talk] mysql command line

Ian Forsyth ian at
Tue Jun 25 10:44:22 EDT 2002

That is a great idea.. making a seperate table..



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oktay Altunergil [mailto:nyphp at]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 10:25 AM
> To: NYPHP Talk
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] mysql command line
> I recommend creating a seperate database and importing all
> records into that temp database. Rung a few sql statements (
> DELETE FROM blah WHERE company_id <> 20 ) to end up with just
> what you want. Then take a dump of that database with the -t
> switch (do not include CREATE TABLE statements) and import that
> into your real database. Hoping you will only have to do this
> kind of thing one or two times during your lifetime, there should
> be no need to look for software that does this. Having said that,
> an application that can read the SQL statements and represent
> them in a format that you can work with (select/delete portions
> etc) shouldn't be too hard to code for people who can actually
> code that kind of stuff (not me).
> Oktay Altunergil
> On Tue, 25 Jun 2002 10:12:07 -0400
> Ian Forsyth <ian at> wrote:
> >
> > Is there any utility out there that allows you to import
> selective records
> > from a mysqldump.sql file?
> >
> > for instance..
> >
> > On June 12 I made a back up of the database on june 13 i
> deleted products
> > having a compandy_id = 20, on june 14 we needed those products back, and
> > lots of other products where updated so i can't just dump the table and
> > replace it..
> >
> > so is there any thing already made that would allow me to
> import the records
> > from the product table that have a company_id = 20 from a
> mysqldump.sql file
> > (meaning it has create table and insert statements, its no tab
> seperated)...
> >
> > Ian
> >
> >

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