[nycphp-talk] wikis, phorums and blogs, oh my! WAS: Last night's notes?

Edward Potter ejp at
Fri May 24 10:07:09 EDT 2002

There is a philosophical difference between Blogs and Discussion Boards. 
I view bloggers as "Personnel Newswires". A discussion board can act 
like a blog and a blog can act like a discussion board.

Ron Guerin wrote:

> On Thu, 2002-05-23 at 23:18, Hans Zaunere wrote:
>>I really don't know much about how these things work (I'm still not
>>sure the real difference between a weblog and wiki) so I'd like someone
>>to play around with these.
> My five-cent explanation:
> The distinguishing feature of a wiki is that its pages are publicly
> writable, and through the "intermap" mechanism, different wikiwebs can
> link to pages in each other.  I've been using a Perl-based wiki for a
> while now as a knowledge base.  Wikis sort of take on a life of their
> own.
> Weblogs are generally writable only by one or a small group of selected
> posters.  Many blogs don't have any sort of public commenting facility
> either.
> Ron

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