[nycphp-talk] Installing ZendStudio_Server. Anybody know how?

charles at charles at
Fri May 24 14:11:14 EDT 2002

Hello Zeev,

I'm smiling at the irony of the situation right now. 

You're at the center of an open source software world.

The quality and usefullness of php are without doubt. 

I'm sure that many people would want to help with your installer. If
you ask people to lend you a hand with rewriting it, you have a pool
of millions installations to ask. 

For all we know somebody out there has already done it or has an
installer with the features you need: 
 XML control file. 
 Easy internationalization, 
 Explanation text, 
 Recording of selections,
 Recoverable process.

Maybe you should put something up on your web site and see if there
are any takers.

I have time tomorrow so 
- I'll go through the installation again, 
- record all the question the installer asks and
- all my questions about what I'm supposed to provide as an answer.

You'll have a detailed email by Saturday night.


> From: Zeev Suraski <zeev at>
> Organization: New York PHP
> Reply-To: talk at
> Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 12:40:31 -0400
> To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
> Cc: N at
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Installing ZendStudio_Server. Anybody
know how?
> Charles,
> Thanks for the input.  To be honest, we're not in a position where
> consider redoing the entire design of the installation from scratch
> now, so these far-reaching changes you suggest are probably not
going to 
> happen in the foreseeable future (even though it would have been a
> Thing).    There's simply no time to start doing that from scratch.
> I'm still interested in fixing the problems that were found, even
if we 
> don't turn it to an ideal recoverable installation program.  I'm
> interested in hearing about the problems that people bumped into,
> originally sparked this thread - specific texts you found to be
> incompatibilities with the way certain distributions are laid out,
> Thanks,
> Zeev

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