[nycphp-talk] PHPCon2002 - Register before 10/11 and save $100

George Webb nyphp at
Fri Oct 11 09:27:00 EDT 2002

Good Friday!

	Just a quick reminder that you might want to Save $100!

	I am actually very psyched for this thing.  I actually
got my generous company (Vermont Teddy Bear Co.) to send me out
there, although I'm paying for the hotel and "incidentals," and
I may not bring a friend.

	The Hotel said even the cheap rooms ("Cabana Deck"; $69)
have internet access; don't know what that means yet, but 24-hour
fun seems likely!

	Also the travel company is making me stay till Sunday; I
have no idea why, and I am not complaining.

	Somehow it would be nice to figure out beforehand, who
else is as juiced as I am to go to this thing!

Best, George.

George Webb
nyphp at
(802) 283-4352

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