[nycphp-talk] Commercial-grade Hosting

(kris)janis p gale sharpwit at
Mon Oct 28 13:42:22 EST 2002

i use ControlQuest ( to host my site (
and i haven't even begun to tap all the features they offer...
for $12.50 a month you get 100mb storage, a mysql db, and
support for just about every scripting language + platform
you can imagine...  php (4.22), jsp (resin 2.14 and jdk 1.4),
asp (chilisoft + spicepack), frontpage extensions, coldfusion (mx),
and php (4.22)... you can use all of these interchangably from
the same shared volume - i honestly don't know how they got
all six coexisting peacefully on the same config but it does make
for one hell of a development/test suite...
besides the $12.50 a month "cherokee" server, they have
plans ranging from there for more corporate purposes...
it's been my experience that they respond to trouble tickets
Quite rapidly, and are even technical enough to read YOUR
source code to offer help and possible solutions to problems...
i recommend them without hesitation.

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