[nycphp-talk] More Client-Side Grief

krisjanis gale sharpwit at
Tue Oct 29 12:16:35 EST 2002

this is ABSOLUTELY *NOT* a cross-browser solution...
only things that work in all browsers without any issues
are either copying values to a set a hidden fields in the parent
and having the child submit that form in the parent and then close
itself, OR to have the child redirect the parent then close itself
using an onload handler as part of the script that deals with the
submitted form...  i *wish* setting the form target (either
dynamically with javascript or statically using the target=
attribute of form) but it isn't support unequivocally,
and it's not likely that it ever will be.

>2) As a point of interest, you can absolutely put the results of a
>form in another window.
>You can do this by setting the target attribute of the form, either
>directly in the form tag or with javascript - it's a property of the
>form object.

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