[nycphp-talk] PHP Project Management System

Chalu Kim chalu at
Fri Sep 13 10:10:25 EDT 2002

MS Project is more like personal project schedule development tool. phpprojekt is more like schedule sharing as an intranet. It takes too much effort to get a good looking and working environments going.

In other words, both packages don't quite do the job. 

You should be able to;
1. make schedules and share with others 
2. track time
3. create discussions on event or item
4. share properties such as document and version them
5. notify others if there are changes (like by email)
6. approve and checklist (this is a hard one)

Plone (aka Zope CMS) works like this except #2, and #5. Although it is not terribly difficult. Probably a day's work. There is even collector (bug tracker) I know of a commercial one well made. I will need to get back to you with the name, Hans.

"Jim Suto" <jim at> wrote ..
> Jim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hans Zaunere [mailto:zaunere at]
> Sent: Friday, September 13, 2002 10:45 AM
> To: NYPHP Talk
> Subject: [nycphp-talk] PHP Project Management System
> Hello again,
> Thanks for all the shopping cart recommendations - it's working out
> well.
> Now, can I get some recommendations for Project Management Systems? 
> Something akin to a web-enabled MS Project (I know there is a
> web-enabled version of Project, but we don't have the budget for it
> right now), and we need something as "pre-cooked" as possible (I don't
> have time to develop this one at all).  Free or commercial is fine
> (although the cheaper the better).
> Thanks again folks,
> Hans
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