[nycphp-talk] PHP ASP comparison

tom at tom at
Wed Dec 3 15:45:42 EST 2003

Hey folks,

Ok, guys, I know I've seen this time in again across the web, but now I
actually have a need (doing a presentation for a course I am taking, and I
bet I can use this content for a future LIPHP meeting) for this type of
info.  Stats on speed, performance, easy of use, features, support etc.

I will do my share of googling for this info, I promise, but I figured
someone out there may have some good links right at there fingertips which
is why I am asking first.

And hey, I bet many of us on the list would enjoy a good discussion about
this type of thing.  Nowhere did I mention that my presentation had to be
objective. Just kidding. :-)

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Long Island PHP Users Group

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