[nycphp-talk] security? we don't need no stinkin security!

felix zaslavskiy felix at
Thu Dec 4 21:38:17 EST 2003

I am not too experienced with forums as far as aministrating them and such. I noticed forums with large numbers of posts choose vBulletin. For example has over a million posts and has over 4million posts. 

What I like about vBulletin is that its very user friendly. It just works like you would expect it too so you would never think the software is getting in the way. When the software becomes so instictive that you stop knowing its there then you know its pretty user friendly.

On Thu, 4 Dec 2003 21:22:51 -0500
"Tim Gales" <tgales at> wrote:

> felix zaslavskiy writes:
> > What about vBulletin ?
> > Its pretty good and does not cost that much.
> > 
> Yes, vBulletin does looks pretty good. And I 
> think it was under consideration for NYPHP.
> I am not sure why it wasn't chosen.
> (I do recall Hans saying something
> like buying a license for something 
> was definitely an option -- so price 
> was not an issue)
> The  impression I got was that some
> members already were experienced with
> Invision -- so we went with that.
> Anyway the present forum (Invision) is a short term 
> solution -- the long term solution is going to be
> to build as Chris Shiflett put it earlier
> ('twas oft thought but ne're so well expressed)
> "...a forum in PHP that doesn't suck."
> Maybe you could start a topic in the NYPHP 
> forums describing vBulletins best features.
> In it you could ask for opinions about which 
> features people think would be of most value 
> for the new forum which is in the works.
> T. Gales & Associates
> 'Helping People Connect with Technology'
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