[nycphp-talk] security? we don't need no stinkin security!

John Lacey jlacey at
Fri Dec 5 13:06:04 EST 2003

Chris Snyder wrote:

> At the September meeting we ran Smarty through the Zend IDE's profiler, 
> and compared the results with PHPLib. The results were striking -- it's 
> not the most efficient approach. Daniel Kushner might have saved the 
> actual numbers somewhere.
> It's a totally subjective measurement, of course. As David points out, 
> efficiency becomes less of a concern with each hardware upgrade. And for 
> a server that gets up to a few thousand hits an hour, no worries. 
> There's part of me that says a request can take up to a second before I 
> really care, but there's no way you can get away with that on a large 
> site, or a big shared server.

thanks, I've exchanged a few msgs with a developer on a 
Sourceforge project I'm interested in, and suggested he 
either use Smarty or at least put the table and form 
handling logic in classes (it was in reference to an 
internationalization issue, since the code is not structured 
to handle it)

he balked at the Smarty idea (performance) and your remarks 
caught my attention --

Daniel, are those numbers still around?

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