[nycphp-talk] sqlite utility and reloading a dump

John Lacey jlacey at
Sat Dec 6 17:28:44 EST 2003

Daniel Convissor wrote:

> When escaping "'" without the use of an ESCAPE clause, most DBMS's, and 
> perhaps the SQL-99 standard itself, use "''"
> MySQL kind of made up it's own thing by doing "\'"  Do note, you can also
> use "''" in MySQL (at least in version 4.0, maybe in 3.2x too).
yeah, I pointed out the "''" method of escaping to the 
SQLite author (Hipp), and mentioned that the \' is used too

> The drag is mysqldump puts "\'" in there.  That should be classified as a 
> bug.

well, D. Richard Hipp is correct in pointing that out, but 
wanted to get a workaround before something hits the fan


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