[nycphp-talk] Anyone from New Jersey attend the NYPHP Party?

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Mon Dec 15 19:17:37 EST 2003

On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 01:53:08PM -0800, charlie wang wrote:

> I live in Harrison, work in Metuchen, NJ. Anyone from Jersey want to go
> to NYPHP party, knows how to get there by train, PATH, drive, please 

PATH to WTC -- OR -- NJ Transit to Penn Station NY
E train to Columbus Circle (59th St)
   (People to whom the 7th Ave line is more convenient, such as people 
    taking the LIRR, take the 1 train uptown to 59th / Columbus Cir)
Head south on Broadway (with traffic) or 8th Ave (against traffic)
Turn left (east) on 57th St.  Don't cross 57th St.
Hard Rock is a few steps away -- between Broadway and 7th Ave.


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