[nycphp-talk] anyone else ill?

Jeff Siegel jsiegel1 at
Wed Dec 17 13:36:27 EST 2003

It's because it's a "Windows" thing. ;)

Get PLENTY of rest...both my kids have gotten over something that had 
put them out of commission for five days. (Miraculously I hadn't come 
down it.)

Jeff Siegel

Daniel Convissor wrote:

> Hi Folks:
> How come the latest Security Focus news letter didn't warn me about the 
> bug I cought last night?
> As i was leaving the Hard Rock, I was starting to feel ill.  By the time I 
> went to bed, I had a full blown feever.  I'm a little better now, but not 
> great.
> I hope no one else came down with this.
> Enjoy,
> --Dan

Found on the Simpson's Website:
"Ooooooh, they have the internet on computers now!"

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