[nycphp-talk] Need page refresh solution after form data processing

tech at tech at
Fri Dec 19 13:22:58 EST 2003

I am trying unsuccessfully to eliminate the browser warning that it "can't 
refresh the page without re-submitting the form data" when refreshing my form 
page after it is submitted. Though refreshing the page wouldn't be typical, I 
want to eliminate any potential user confusion.
Browser: IE6

The form is processed as:
<FORM NAME="request" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" METHOD="POST">

which then takes some action in the form:

if($beenSubmitted) {
         //concatenate results
         //mail results

AND serves the form again!

I have some sense it has to do with caching of header info. I have 
unsuccessfully tried various header("xyz'); statements after processing the 
form and before serving the HTML, including many suggested in the 
documentation. I have googled. Again, haven't found suggestion that works, or 
that I'm implementing correctly. I am not very knowledgable in the smoke 'n 
mirrors of HTTP headers.

I appreciate any thoughts on this.
Scott Protchko
tech at

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