[nycphp-talk] Casting and list

PUTAMARE jeffknight at
Mon Dec 22 13:22:34 EST 2003

How about defining an array at the top of all the variables you want to 
cast as an integer

$intVars = array('id', 'somenumber');

then a simple

ist($id,$name,$somenumber) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
foreach ($inVars as $iv) $$iv = (int) $$iv ;

should do the trick..

or you could make two SQL calls, one for things you want to be integers 
and the other for everything else, followed by an array_map casting the 
contents of the integer-only call (returned as an associative array, 
mind you) to int.

$intVars = mysql_fetch_row($resultIntOnly);
$intVars = array_map('cast2int',$intVars);
foreach ($intVars as $intVarName => $intVarValue) $$intVarName = (int) 
$intVarValue ;

list($name) = mysql_fetch_row($resultEverythingElse);

But I'm sure there are ways you can get really crazy:

$allVars = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
foreach ($allVars as $allVarName => $allVarValue)
	if (is_numeric($allVarValue) and (intval($allVarValue) == 
$allVarValue)) {
		$$allVarName = (int) $allVarValue ;
	} else {
		$$allVarName = $allVarValue ;

providing you with the opportunity to really obfuscate your code with

$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
foreach ($row as $key => $value) $$key = (is_numeric($value) and 
(intval($value) == $value))?(int) $value:$value;

That should get the legibility fairies panties in a knot!

On Dec 22, 2003, at 10:39 AM, Hans Zaunere wrote:

> Good morning,
> I'm using list()  ( to put the values from a
> mysql_fetch_row() call into separate variables - yes, it's trivial.
> However, I need some the elements to be casted to ints.  I'm aware of
> the various workarounds, but what I'd really like to do is:
> list( (int) $id,$name, (int) $somenumber) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
> Of course, this throws a parse error.  Is anyone aware of any clever
> tricks that keeps a nearly identical syntax?  Or, maybe this could be a
> feature request (although it won't do me any good today :)  What I'm
> doing now is:
> list($id,$name,$somenumber) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
> $id = (int) $id;
> $somenumber = (int) $somenumber;
> But I just don't like that, especially with tons of columns from the 
> DB,
> big loops, etc...
> Thanks,
> H
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